Instructions for Downloading and Installing Lucid Electronics Workbench
- Instructions for Downloading and Installing .ZIP Files
- Instructions for Downloading and Installing .EXE Files
NOTE: Difficulties have been reported using the Self-installing .EXE File. These problems include a
false positive virus error message.
If you have difficulties downloading the .EXE files, the operation may be caused by your Anti Virus software. To get around this problem, you can either disable your Anti Virus software for the
length of time needed to download the software. Alternatively, you may download the .ZIP version of the software.
If you are using AVAST Antivirus, they have introduced a new criteria, which prevents small companies from doing business over the internet. This new 'feature'
shows up as a DREP virus.
All this means is that the small company, such as Lucid Enterprises and many others, have not had enough downloads of their products to get listed in their reputation file. Funny, if no one can
download the software, AVAST will never allow downloads!
Additional workarounds for AVAST include:
- Disable AVAST to allow download: Right-click on the AVAST Icon in your System Tray and select 'Avast sheields control' and select 'Disable for 10 minutes'
- Go to AVAST SETTINGS : COMPONENTS : WEB SHIELD : EXCLUSIONS. Click on the 'URLs to exclude', and click the checkbox. In the '(enter address) box, add each of the following URLS and press 'Add':
Click 'OK' and AVAST will stop giving you these false positive virus messages for our software. Note: AVAST may need to re restarted for these changes to take place.
- We have recently become aware of more false positives from AVAST. This problem may occur when 'Enable CyberCapture' is checked in the SETTINGS: GENERAL tab
We have been submitting files to AVAST to get our product on their Whitelist. Several have been added thus far, but not all files have been submitted
Uncheck this box to complete the download and installation process.
- Install a better Antivirus software product to replace Avast
We could pay to get our software on the Reputation list, but that would significantly increase the price of the product to our customer base.
- Download Lucid Electronics Workbench Self-installing .EXE File

- Download Lucid Electronics Workbench .ZIP File

Should you experience problems in downloading or installing Lucid Electronics Workbench, first check the
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
If problems persist, please submit an Incident Report.
Downloading and Installing .EXE Files
- Go to the appropriate Lucid Enterprises product page and find the 'Download Evaluation
Copy' button.
- Press this button to download the the software. If
you are asked for a download location, select a temporary download directory location to download the software,
such as 'C:\Lucid'. Some browsers have a default location where the files will be
downloaded: Make a note of this download location for the next step. If you are running the Internet Explorer
(IE) browser, you may be presented with the option to 'RUN' the installation file without performing the intervening steps.
If you choose this option, click on 'RUN' and continue with step 5, otherwise press the 'SAVE' or 'SAVE FILE' button.
Mozilla Firefox Download Screen

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) Download Screen
- Proceed to step 5 if you clicked on 'RUN'. Otherwise, locate the file that you just downloaded,
typically <ProgramName>.exe (The <ProgramName> varies based on the product that you downloaded.
Installation File located in the selected download directory
- Double-Click on the downloaded file to begin the installation process.
- Note: You may receive a message saying
that the publisher could not be verified. You should ignore this message and press 'Run'.
- Verify that you would like to install the application by pressing 'OK'. Files will be unzipped to a
temporary directory location.
- Start the Setup process. Note the instructions and press 'SETUP' to install the application. Be sure
that you have your Serial Number handy for use in the installation process. A Serial Number of 'DEMO'
should be used if an Evaluation copy of the software is being installed.
- If required, MDAC will be installed automatically, just follow the Microsoft MDAC instructions.
- Indicate that you agree to the End User License Agreement.
- If asked for a Serial Number, enter the Serial Number that you received
when you purchased your program. Otherwise, enter 'DEMO' as the Serial Number if you are
evaluating the software.
- Start the program by double-clicking on the Lucid Application ICON placed on your desktop.
- Some Lucid Applications contain additional security requirements for logging into the
application. Click on the 'HELP' button of the Application Logon
Screen to obtain the default User Names and Passwords.
- Once the application has been installed, the temporary files will be erased automatically. If the .EXE file was
downloaded it may be erased from the download directory selected in step 2.

Downloading and Installing .ZIP Files
It is preferable to download and install .EXE files because the process is much simpler. The instructions for
downloading and installing .ZIP files are provided in case there are problems using the preferred method.
- Go to the appropriate Lucid Enterprises product page and find the 'Download Evaluation Copy' button.
- Select a temporary download directory location to download
the software, such as 'C:\Lucid'.
- Download the the software into the selected download directory.
Save Installation ZIP File
Locate Downloaded ZIP File
- Unzip the downloaded file into the same directory using a program, such as WinZip®
Unzip files into the same directory
- Unzip the files into the same directory by Right-Clicking the ZIP file; Select 'WinZip';
and then select 'Extract to Here'. Some versions of WinZip have an 'Install' option.
This option may be used instead of unzipping the file with the 'Extract' function, taking you directly to step 6.
Locate Setup Application in Unzipped Files
- Once the file has been unzipped, locate and double-click on
the file 'SETUP.EXE' to start the installation process (NOTE: There
are several files named 'SETUP'. If the file extensions are hidden for
'known file types', look for this ICON:
double-click on it. Another way to identify the correct SETUP file is to look for "Application"
listed in the "Type" column).
- If required, MDAC 2.81 will be automatically installed, just follow the Microsoft MDAC instructions.
- Indicate that you agree to the End User License Agreement.
- If asked for a Serial Number, enter the Serial Number that you received
when you purchased your program. Otherwise, enter 'DEMO' as the Serial Number to
evaluate the software.
- Start the program by double-clicking on the Lucid
Application ICON placed on your desktop.
- Some Lucid Applications contain additional security requirements for logging into the
application. Click on the 'HELP' button of the Application Logon
Screen to obtain the default User Names and Passwords.
- Once the application has been installed, the files placed in
the selected download directory may be erased.

Downloads since 08/14/2015: 

Page Visits since 08/14/2015: